The Agree Academy workshop is already published on the EUSEW map, the European Sustainable Energy Week
The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is the largest annual event dedicated to renewable energy and efficient energy use in Europe.
The workshop “Methodology to promote the replication of diagnosis and prioritization of residential rehabilitation interventions” will take place within the framework of the EUSEW 17th edition, which brings together the initiatives of
public and private organizations from many countries, and are geographically located through an interactive map.
All information on the program and registration is available on the Agree page:
The purpose of this week is to bring together the community of people who care about building a clean and safe energy future for generations to come.
Activities include the sustainable energy days, the European youth day for energy, policy conferences, the European sustainable energy awards, the energy fair and partner activities, which work to help the EU achieve its climate
and energy goals.
Launched in 2007 by the European Commission, EUSEW has been organised annually and since April 2021 by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), in close cooperation with the General
Directorate for Energy.