Agree at the “Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum – Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place”
Agree took part in the Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum – Energy Efficiency Finance Market…

Agree presents the prioritisation method at the EUSEW
The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is the biggest annual event dedicated to renewables and…

Agree Academy #Workshop2 to be part of the European Sustainable Week
The Agree Academy's second event, entitled "How to Implement a Retrofitting Action Plan", will be…

Methodology to promote the replication of the diagnosis and prioritization of residential rehabilitation interventions
The next workshop will be held on Friday, June 16 at the Plaza Bizkaia building in…

Agree Academy at the European Sustainable Energy Week
The Agree Academy workshop is already published on the EUSEW map, the European Sustainable Energy…

(Español) Inscripciones abiertas para el primer taller de Agree Academy
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.

Book the dates!
Once your answers have been gathered, the topics that have aroused most interest for the…

The Importance of rehabilitation grants
Agree presented at the ANERR Rehabilitation Forum the keys to the project The day, which…

Agree Academy launched
Agree Academy, which has been set up to replicate the benefits and results of the…