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Agree presents the prioritisation method at the EUSEW

The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is the biggest annual event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe.

Organised By CINEA, the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency, its programme included the “Policy Conference”, whose different sessions addressed new sustainable energy policy developments, best practices and ideas.

The session entitled “Social Innovation: a driver for integrated building renovation across Europe”, the session illustrated the aspects of a retrofitting methodology part of the Affordable Housing Initiative.

On behalf of Agree, Olatz Nicolas Buxens, from Tecnalia, gave a presentation of the project’s prioritisation methodology under the title: “The importance of good social diagnosis for the success of the energy retrofitting process”.

During the session, Anna Athanasopoulou, Head of Unit – Proximity, Social Economy and Creative Industries, at GROW, the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, established the context for the integrated approach for the social innovation of the sustainable and affordable housing districts. In turn, Clara Mafé, from Housing Europe, went over examples of the aspect that could be taken into account for future housing neighbourhoods.

The session that was moderated by Martin Willemart (DG GROW) focused on the co-creation mechanisms deployed to foster the inclusive commitment of citizens. The need for an exhaustive analysis and diagnosis of the strengths and opportunities of the district/neighbourhood using the methodology developed in the AGREE project was stressed.

Naia Merino from Ermua Local Council, Momir Tabakovic from FH Technikum Wien and Riccardo Coletta from APRE, coordinators of the drOp, Prolight and SUPERSHINE projects, respectively, then identified the commitment of stakeholders, municipal support in the development of strategic plans and to pinpoint needs as key intervention areas to deploy the vision of the neighbourhood.

The session is available at:

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