On 17 November, Agree presented its model for energy retrofitting and to improve accessibility at…
The “Contractors Meeting” allowed Agree to exchange solutions and learn about the best practices of…
Applications for the grants can now be made at the VISESA offices, as well as…
The document, prepared by MITMA and Observatorio Ciudad 3R, was presented at a conference on…
The European Commission, through CINEA (European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency), has granted an…
The publication of this grant order in the BOPV (Official Gazette of the Basque Country)…
On 5 July, the course led by Pedro Rodríguez Toyos, Director of Bidebi Basauri, will…
Ensanche 21 Zabalgunea took part in the “Vitoria-Gasteiz towards climate neutrality: Horizon 2030” conference organised…
The municipal corporation of Basauri City Council will act as a “one-stop window” to inform,…