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Course on the Renovation of Buildings and Housing in the Basque Country

On 5 July, the course led by Pedro Rodríguez Toyos, Director of Bidebi Basauri, will take place in the auditorium of the UPV/EHU. The aim of the course is to present the situation of the building stock in the Basque Country. In the context of the summer courses, the pathologies, deficiencies and needs of the housing inventory and the impact of the receipt and application of NEXT GENERATION funds will be discussed over two days.

The first day, which will be opened by Pablo García Astrain, Director of Housing, Land and Architecture of the Basque Government, will address this aspect from the point of view of the public sector with several round tables and presentations.

The first round table, “The Situation of the Housing Stock in the Basque Country”, will include the participation of Patricia Molina Costa of Tecnalia, Alberto Ortiz de Elgea Olasolo of Visesa, and Aitor Pradovaso Cañas, Technical Director of Alokabide.

The second round table, called “Renovation System in the Basque Country”, will include Luis Carlos Delgado Ortiz, Director of Sestao Berri, and Maider Romay Busto, Head of the Renovation Department at Donostiako Etxegintza.

These discussions will be followed by various presentations:

Urban Development and Renovation Companies” by Marta Ibarbia Agirrezabala, Director of Surbisa.

European NEXT GENERATION Funds and Regional Aid to Promote Renovation” by Mario José Yoldi Domínguez, Director of Housing Planning and Operational Processes of the Department of Territorial Planning, Housing and Transport of the Basque Government.

Both sessions will close with a Summary exercise where the main ideas will be summarised, led by Isabel Pineda, Head of Urban Rehabilitation and Regeneration at Ensanche 21 Zabalgunea.

The second day will address the issue from the perspective of private stakeholders with four round tables:

Residents’ Associations“, with the participation of Gontzal Aizpurua Ondaro, Head of Bizilagun; Pablo Abascal González, Chair of the College of Property Administrators of Bizkaia; and José Manuel González Robles, Chair of the Association of Real Estate Agents.

Professionals” by Asier Benavides, President of the Bizkaia Delegation of the Basque-Navarrese Official Association of Architects; and Ana Martínez Butrón, Director of the Official Association of Technical Architects of Bizkaia.

Companies”, with Iñaki Urresti Laka, Secretary General of Ascobi Bieba and Patricia Astorgano Rodera, Head of Innovation Projects of the Eraikune Cluster.

After the break, the round table “We Will Win the Bet” will include Enrique Bueso Guirao, Director of AVS; Esther Zarrabeitia Peñalba, architect at Debegesa; and Cecilia Foronda Diez, Head of the Alliance for renovation where no one gets left behind.

Isabel Pineda from Ensanche 21 -Zabalgunea will lead the “Summary” before the closing address by the course director Pedro Rodríguez Toyos.