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BIDEBI takes on the management of a new financial aid programme to rehabilitate housing, financed with Next Generation European funds.

The municipal corporation of Basauri City Council will act as a “one-stop window” to inform, advise and channel aid applications from communities of owners and residents in the municipality.

BIDEBI, the municipal corporation of Basauri City Council, will take on the management of a new financial aid programme to rehabilitate housing financed with Next Generation, European funds, becoming a “one-stop window” that will coordinate, inform and facilitate the management of the financial aid and the provision of services to the communities of owners, companies, private owners and rehabilitation agents in general.

Thus, the Board of Directors of BIDEBI has authorised the signing of the agreement with the Basque Government’s Department of Territorial Planning, Housing and Transportso that the urban planning corporation of Basauri can carry out the functions of Rehabilitation Office. This authorisation will make it possible to take full advantage of the Next Generation European economic recovery funds, allocated to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and housing. As a result, Bidebi will be able to access the financial aid programmes for residential rehabilitation from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (Royal Decree 853/2021, of 5 October).

The text of the agreement that will soon be signed by the municipal corporation BIDEBI with the Basque Government is a reminder of the origin and functionality of the recovery funds, the aim of which is to contribute towards the reconstruction process of the world’s economies after the covid-19 pandemic, as well as the courses of action contemplated to achieve it, among which is the promotion of the rehabilitation and improvement of the housing stock, in both rural and urban areas, with ambitious goals on the field of energy and sustainability. With this aim, different financial aid programmes for the rehabilitation of buildings and the improvement of energy efficiency in housing, among others, are established.

Carrying out the functions of Rehabilitation Office will allow BIDEBI to become a “one-stop window for Basauri” and channel the financial aid applications submitted by the possible beneficiaries of the different residential rehabilitation programmes for buildings and housing. This new faculty will enable bringing BIDEBI closer to citizens, to whom it will be able to provide useful and effective information on the different financial aid programmes, according to each need.

Along with these tasks of informing and advising citizens, BIDEBI will channel the financial aid programmes to the rehabilitation work on buildings, the improvement of energy efficiency in housing and the drafting of the rehabilitation project, as well as the rest of activities regarding the rehabilitation of buildings and housing, accessibility and energy efficiency. In short, it will become a “one-stop window for Basauri” that will coordinate, inform and facilitate the management of financial aid and the provision of services to the communities of owners, companies, private owners and rehabilitation agents in general.

For these tasks, BIDEBI will provide an in-person service at its office, with prior appointment, and will also provide the service via telephone and remotely.