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The Importance of rehabilitation grants

Agree presented at the ANERR Rehabilitation Forum the keys to the project

The day, which coincides with Agree in favouring savings, sustainability and employment through the development of energy rehabilitation in the Basque Country, was held on January 26, 2023 in Ingurubide, the Resource Centre for Urban Sustainability of Bilbao and brought together the main agents for this purpose.

Olatz Nicolas, from Tecnalia, presented as member of the Agree consortium a talk on how to promote investments in energy rehabilitation in the Basque Country through innovative mechanisms that enhance the aggregation and improvement of governance.

Jose Antonio González García, Head of economic and financial management, of the Directorate of Planning and Housing Operational Processes of the Department of Territorial Planning, Housing and Transport of the Basque Government, also member of the Agree consortium, highlighted the importance of the different grants available in the Basque Country for energy rehabilitation and stressed the work of the Urban Rehabilitation and Visesa Companies as collaborating entities to process the grants

The forum brought together companies and other actors in the rehabilitation industry, who learned from the Department of Territorial Planning, Housing and Transport of the Basque Government the different types of grants available.

The Deputy Minister for Housing of the Basque Government, Pedro Jauregui, detailed the plans of his department, which plans to rehabilitate 7,773 homes, with the aim of reaching 350,000 by 2036.

The rehabilitations will have financial support, both from the Basque Government, which has budgeted 35.7 million for this field, and the Next Generation funds of the EC, which contributed 39.1 million the previous year, to which another 61.8 million will be added during the current year.

The meeting was attended by Fernando Prieto (President of ANERR), Pedro Jauregui (Deputy Minister for Housing of the Basque Government), Jose Antonio González García (Head of economic and financial management, of the Directorate of Planning and Operating Processes of Housing of the Department of Territorial Planning, Housing and Transportation of the Basque Government), Mr. Jose Luis López (Rehabilitation Agent of the partner company GEONOR), María C. Cocchiara (Technical Department of ANERR), Alejandro Barnechea Jayo (Banco Santander), Jorge Torres (Tecnalia) and Olatz Nicolas (Tecnalia), Pedro Parra (Coordinator of ANERR).

The Agree project is an innovative experience in this field, and the event was ideal to provide the main characters of the sector in the Basque Country with the knowledge acquired during its execution.

The aggregation of demand through the identification of buildings of the same typology is one of the distinguishing marks of Agree, which also proposes a new governance model that guarantees the participation of residents and all relevant stakeholders throughout the process.

The aim of the ANERR forum is to provide information on the currently available grants for the efficient rehabilitation of buildings. Promoting the importance of grants and exposing success cases to allow the knowledge of new materials and new technologies.

The activity of Agree in this event is framed within the Agree Academy that aims to communicate the knowledge and benefits of the project for its dissemination between localities throughout the Basque Country in the first place, of Europe later.

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