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The EU prioritises refurbishment of buildings to make them more energy efficient as part of the economic recovery following COVID-19

The European Union wants Europe’s economic recovery following COVID-19 to focus investment and support in sectors that underpin a sustainable future. Hence, renovating buildings to make them more energy efficient is a priority in the reconstruction plan, which highlights that three in four European buildings were constructed prior to the publication of energy efficiency directives. It also stresses that buildings are the greatest source of energy use in the EU and are responsible for more than a third of greenhouse gas emissions. Based on this argument, the European Commission stresses the need for widespread refurbishment and estimates that some 50,000 million euros in public funding should be allocated to this annually. The sum will include non-refundable subsidies for both individuals and councils.

Efficient use of energy and resources in building construction and renovation is one of the mainstays of the European Green Deal. This document states that the annual renovation rate of housing stock in EU member states currently oscillates between 0.4% and 1.2%. The European Green Deal proposes that this percentage be at least doubled to meet EU objectives on energy efficiency and the climate. The future economic recovery plan for Europe following COVID-19 will undoubtedly support these objectives.