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Category: Horizon2020

“The rehabilitation of houses leads to improvements in the quality of life and comfort, it strengthens the local economy and contributes to the fight against climate change”

“The rehabilitation of houses leads to improvements in the quality of life and comfort, it strengthens the local economy and contributes to the fight against climate change”


Ana Oregi, president of Ensanche 21 Zabalgunea, believes it is essential to properly inform the residents about the project to rehabilitate 170 homes in Adurtza and San Cristóbal   The president of Ensanche 21-Zabalgunea S.A., Ana Oregi, is confident that the Agree project will help

“The renovation of housing is one of the core elements of Donostia’s housing policy.”

“The renovation of housing is one of the core elements of Donostia’s housing policy.”

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Eneko Goia, Mayor of Donostia, details the key parts of the project that will be implemented in the Luistarrak and Gaztelu streets, covering more than 600 homes and which is developing alternative ways to reinforce local participation, due to the pandemic. The head of the

Urban planning companies put the Agree preliminary studies and blueprints out to tender

Urban planning companies put the Agree preliminary studies and blueprints out to tender

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The results of the studies put out to tender are expected to be available in spring 2021. The urban planning companies in the Agree project have published the different specifications for the tendering of the preliminary studies and technical blueprint, to be carried out in

Ensanche 21 informs families in Adurtza and San Cristóbal about the Agree energy renovation project

Ensanche 21 informs families in Adurtza and San Cristóbal about the Agree energy renovation project

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Ensanche 21 has begun to inform the residents of Adurtza and San Cristóbal about the AGREE energy renovation project, the two districts where this important plan will be deployed. Specifically, Ensanche 21 will mail a letter and a brochure detailing the characteristics of this project