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Innovative mechanisms to achieve the Agree project’s goals

In the HORIZON AGREE project, Tecnalia is contributing its experience in sustainable development. It is responsible for the methodology and analysis to select the pilot cases and the design of a local action plan to encourage renovation.  In this interview, Patricia Molina, lead researcher at Tecnalia’s Urban Transformation Laboratory, announced the compilation of a guide for local councils with an assessment methodology for the comprehensive renovation of building complexes, which will become a fundamental tool for the replication of the project.  Tecnalia hopes this guide will foster innovation in building renovation state- and European-wide. 


  1. What is Tecnalia’s mission in the AGREE project?

 Tecnalia is in charge of defining the methodology and developing the socio-economic and technical needs assessment to select the three pilot cases. It is likewise tasked with designing the Local Action Plan to drive renovation together with urban regeneration companies. Tecnalia will also work with the Basque Government to develop the innovative demand aggregation, financing and governance measures to encourage renovation and will disseminate the implementation proposals nationally and in Europe.


  1. What experiences and systems can the technology corporation contribute to this initiative?

Tecnalia’s contribution to AGREE is its experience in fostering sustainable urban development from an integrated approach, based on its work and projects with municipalities, such as FosterREG,  ZenN under H2020, along with its innovation consultancy for different municipalities of Europe and Latin America.

The HORIZON PROJECT applies analysis, design and implementation methodologies developed by Tecnalia in previous projects, such as the Intervention Needs Assessment of the Building Stock of the Basque Country (Basque Government, 2012), the Demarcation of Priority Areas for the Urban Regeneration of Sestao (Sestao Berri, 2014), the Methodological Guide for the Integrated Urban Regeneration of the Neighbourhoods of the BAC built between 1950 and 1970 (IHOBE, 2019) and the Energy and Renewable Potential Study for the Sustainable Urban Regeneration of Durango (2019).


  1. Over half of Basque residential buildings were built before 1980, when there were no regulations regarding energy efficiency. Can a common assessment be conducted of the existing shortcomings?

A “Methodological Guide for the Assessment of Building Complexes for their Comprehensive Renovation” is being prepared as part of the AGREE project. Local councils will therefore be able to embark on the renovation of their municipalities based on an objective needs assessment and an opportunity prioritization.

This manual will be one of the key elements for the replication process that will be deployed through different activities of the AGREE Academy. This will enable energy renovation to be promoted in other municipalities.


  1. What specific goals do you expect to achieve with your participation in this project?

The development and deployment of innovative mechanisms to activate and aggregate demand, better governance and customised financing solutions will contribute to TECNALIA’s commitment to the fostering of dynamic and integrated planning of the existing city from a participatory and multi-dimensional approach, for its renewal and regeneration, by applying solutions based on technological developments and which facilitate decision-making.


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