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Category: Jornadas

Methodology to promote the replication of the diagnosis and prioritization of residential rehabilitation interventions

Methodology to promote the replication of the diagnosis and prioritization of residential rehabilitation interventions


The next workshop will be held on Friday, June 16 at the Plaza Bizkaia building in Bilbao under the title “How to implement an Action Plan for Energy Rehabilitation” The workshop, framed in the replication process of the AGREE project, was held at the Tecnalia facilities

Agree Project presented to the residents of the Federico Mayo neighbourhood in Basauri

Agree Project presented to the residents of the Federico Mayo neighbourhood in Basauri


Basauri Council’s Bidebi Basauri recently presented the Agree Project to the local residents and home owners’ associations of the town’s Federico Mayo neighbourhood. The project, with EU Next Generation funding, seeks to drive the retrofitting of housing to improve energy efficiency and accessibility. The in-person

Agree seminar in Bilbao, with the presentation of innovative good practices for energy rehabilitation

Agree seminar in Bilbao, with the presentation of innovative good practices for energy rehabilitation

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On 13 February, the seminar to present innovative experiences in energy rehabilitation at neighbourhood level took place in Bilbao, organised by the Basque Government under the European Horizon 2020 Agree programme. The first presentation was given by Mario Yoldi, Director of Planning and Operational Processes

Todo dispuesto para la presentación en Bilbao de Experiencias innovadoras de rehabilitación energética a escala de barrio

Todo dispuesto para la presentación en Bilbao de Experiencias innovadoras de rehabilitación energética a escala de barrio

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Mañana, jueves 13 de febrero, tendrá lugar en Bilbao una exposición de buenas prácticas aplicadas a la rehabilitación energética de edificios, organizada por el Gobierno Vasco al abrigo del programa europeo Horizon 2020 AGREE. La Jornada se celebrará por la mañana en el Edificio Bizkaia,